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other's inspiration photos

16 years ago

Hey Everyone, I was thinking about setting up an Inspiration Album on my Photobucket. I did one for my forum buddies on Holiday Decor. Using things they'd done as well as photos from off the web. The years I've been a member here, I've saved pix myself of things I really liked.

But you know how posts drop off, photos go away, and new members come on often. So I'd like to do an album that could be accessed anytime any of the GJer gang wanted to browse thru stuff. However, a lot of the pictures I saved, I didn't note WHO made this stuff so can't add a name unless you tell me its yours. Plus I don't want to make anyone mad using a photo of theirs without permission. So for future pictures, do I have permission to use yours? If you'd rather I didn't, just let me know and I won't. And on my old pix, if you see one of yours in the album, tell me and I can remove it then. Also, if I don't use a photo of someone's, I sure don't want hurt feelings. I can't save them ALL unfortunately, so in the past I just picked favorites tho there were MANY more I liked a lot.

I'll set up an album if you guys would like me to do this.


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