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When to discard strawberry plants

11 years ago

My june-bearing strawberries were planted in 2010 (pinched that year), and I've had two great years of production. After I refreshed them this year I began noticing a lot of spotting (not sure if it is blight, spot, or scorch, as it looks like all of the above).

I always been under the impression that you remove strawberries after a few years anyway, but I'm wondering if I can transplant runners from these plants to a new location, or if these are permanently infected and I should pull them entirely (after seeing what I get fruit-wise next year) and buy new, preferably resistant varieties, to plant in a new location.

Also, when I remove the plants, I understand I should avoid planting nightshades in the same place to prevent verticillium wilt. Is there anything else you recommend not planting where the berries were? The long narrow bed would make a good spot for lettuce or herbs, but it is also along a fence, making it convenient to grow tall things there.

Thanks for any insight--disease is one of the more confusing aspects of gardening to me. My strategy is going to be mulching and removing the infected leaves, and I may try the product Serenade, as I garden organically. I was using an irrigation system that sprayed the leaves, and I know that was a mistake. Any other tips?

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