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Maranta in an Oyama or other self-watering pot?

16 years ago

I used to have a maranta I loved! I lost it though a few years ago and want to give it another try. I've read that marantas love consistently moist soil so I was thinking of transplanting my maranta (currently in a 3" square pot) into an oyama planter that I currently use with my African Violets. Do you think that would be beneficial? For my violets, since they are in an oyama self-watering planter, I use a lighter planting mix -- peat, vermiculite, and perlite in a 1-1-1 ratio. Would that work for maranta? These work WONDERS for my AVs and was hoping that my maranta would like it too. Your thoughts? Other tips for Maranta success? I do plan on setting the container in a tray of pebbles and water. Thanks for any input or advice!

Here is a link that might be useful: About Oyama Planters

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