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Plans for Future Greens Production

I would like some help. I market garden and I have been very successful with many crops. I am wanting to expand my offerings. I want to grow more lettuce and other greens. I have grown greens and sold some mixes. I would like to know some good sources of information about this.

I am planning on using a 18-45 high tunnel to grow greens in this year. I am looking at my first market being around Mothers Day in early May. I would really like to have greens by then.

I want to grow spinach, lettuce and other common greens. Nothing to wild, my market won't support that. Beet greens are a hard sell in mixes. I have experience growing Summer Crisp (Batvarian Lettuce), spinach, black-seeded simpson, beet greens, buttercrunch and various salad mixes.

How should I grow? What varieties grow best? I would like some reds too. When should I start them? Should I direct seed or transplant. If transplant, what size should trays should I use. The questions could go on forever!

I will have 4, 3 foot beds that are 45 feet long. I will have drip irrigation, unless something else works better. I would like to harvest greens from May though the end of June and pick back up in late August-as late as I can go.

Any ideas, information or resources would be greatly appreciated.



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