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Watermelon Mystery

11 years ago

I have 3 plants (two on purpose, one accidental....guess which one is going gangbusters?) The two I Planted from greenhouse stock were planted on time, together with quality soil, good sunlight, plenty of water, and room for roots. They are doing poorly and didn't even flower until late july.

The accidental showed up in a large pot already occupied with an established aloe plant. But the thing is twice as big and beats the others hands down but it only showed up a month ago! And has been in the shade!

I have no idea what the heck is going on. Watermelons frustrate and defet me each year here in MN. Now I'm wondering if the key is to grow them in a 5 gallon pot about 2 months before I'd normally plant. Anybody else have weird stuff this year or success in cold short seasons?

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