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What are you harvesting?

14 years ago

Greetings from Montana

Our first was some Early Goliath tomatoes. Now we are also getting some Fourth of July tomatoes. Oriental egg plant, Purple and green bell peppers, beets and now green beans. We always plant Blue Lake beans that my husband saves seed from each year. This year I got him to plant some Roma II Italian beans. We just had a potful cooked with a piece of picnic ham. Very good.

We usually get enough beets to can some pickled beets but not this year. He said as he was planing them, a bird looking something like a wood pecker was going down the row and picking out the seed and eating them. I thought those kind of birds only ate bugs. Also some had been chomped on like a 1/4 of it taken off, but then it calused over and kept on growing. Weird year for beets.

We are looking forward to more peppers, lots more tomatoes and melons.

Some of the local farmers are beginning to harvest early sweet corn. We should see trailers and pickups full of corn in the parking lots soon.

We used to grow sweet corn but they take a lot of room. And now that we don't have any farm dogs around, the raccoons raid the patch and destroy them.

Have fun picking and eating.


Comments (19)

  • bcskye
    14 years ago

    I've been getting a lot of Roma II beans and canning them as well as eating them fresh. The Contender bush beans are flowering. Also getting tons on zucchini, cukes and bell peppers with the long red cayenne just starting to produce. Dumped one of my small buckets of Red Pontiac potatoes tonight and cooked some with green beans, onion and smoked sausage for dinner. Just got tomatoes off my four Cherokee Purple plants. The Romas have been ripening, but the older gentleman I share my garden with picks them before they are ripe so I'm not getting any of those.

    I do have a lot of other veggies and at least 5 watermelon going strong. Planted a ton of Copra and Red Zeppelin onions and the stems keep getting thicker and taller. Going to have to take a peek at them soon because curiosity about how big they are is giving me fits. I'm also looking forward to the harvesting of the Kennebec potatoes, the Yukon Gold potatoes and the sweet potatoes which are going crazy. Got some beets in late so don't know how they will be. Like you, will be buying my corn from a local farm.

    Yesterday another neighbor brought me a box of tomatoes off the plants I started from seed and gave to her. She is overwhelmed with tomatoes from those plants. I like that.

    Happy eating and preserving to all!

  • cyrus_gardner
    14 years ago

    Summer Squash, zukes, peas, lettuce, onions, potatoes, garlic have come and gone long time ago.
    My cucumbers have had it too. After some bumper crop of several kinds for two and half months they are just naturally getting old.
    I have several tomato types, big boy, yellow, roma, cherry.. I have been harvesting since the end of June and still going strong.
    I have tones of chilie , some cubanell, gipsy, jalapano;
    Japanes eggplants which I have picked several few days ago and more are growing.
    I have harvested about 10 melons (small Korean), some were eaten by rats!!!
    my yardlong beens are just appearing.
    In the herbs dept. I have 4 different varieties of basils, summer & winter savory, marjoram, greek oregano, chives,thyme, leeks, lemone verbena, lemon balm, lemon grass, shiso.. lots of various gourds, to be left on vine, possibly till frost.
    And not to forget some STEVIA, thats some sweet ending.

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    Lots and lots of lettuce, I'm kind of starting to feel like a rabbit, LOL. Also, radishes, spinach (which is starting to bolt, and was hit hard by the leaf miners), and plenty of herbs - parsley, French tarragon, summer savory, thyme, oregano. The basil's still too small to harvest yet. The peas are almost big enough to eat, and I can't wait. They were one of my favorite things out of the garden last year. The rhubarb was grown in a container last year, somehow survived all winter on the porch, and was planted out in the garden earlier this spring, so it's not big enough to harvest this year. I'm definitely hoping to make at least one batch of strawberry rhubarb preserves next spring though, that is if I can get the strawberries to overwinter and produce some berries. Like Deanna, I have a few tiny peppers starting to show, but it will be a while before they're ready. They're awfully cute though... Oh, and I saw my first tomato blossom this morning, yippee! Bonnie
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    just my sungold and might grape hybrid (red grape tom)... My indian stripe just started blushing today :) Everything else is still going.... (I've got KBX, Cherokee Choc, and opalka with fruit but not ready for harvest and a rutgers that I started late just started to flower)
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  • gsevens
    14 years ago

    Summer squash and zucchini have been coming in like crazy. Picked about 6-8 green peppers so far. 5 small heads of cauliflower (and I mean small). Started picking bush beans this morning. Cucumbers started getting picked a week ago.
    Pumkins for pumpkin pie are growing nice. Big Max pumpkins are just starting to show on the vine (it might be too late for them.) corn is growing very slow...not sure if it will finish strong or not.


  • iam3killerbs
    14 years ago

    I'm through my first planting of summer squash with the new planting nearly ready to start picking. Same for the beans.

    The cukes are gone and the new planting will be a while yet.

    The tomatoes are ripening, the jalapenos have gone insane, and the Armenian cucumbers are plotting world domination. :-)

  • boothc9
    14 years ago

    Lots and lots of yellow crookneck squash. I've harvested about 10 so far from my first plant with many more to come. The second plant is just starting to produce so I'm sure I'll have another 20 from that one.

    Cherry tomatoes just started coming in. All my tomatoes were set back by the cold, rainy spring. Bigger tomatoes should be ready in a few weeks.

    I've pulled about 6 cucumbers from my one plant and it looks like it's dying now with just a few cucumbers left growing on the plant.

    I've been harvesting mustard greens, kale, and basil for a while now.

    My sweet banana peppers are producing a lot. I'm pulling about one every day or two from my one plant. I'll also be harvesting Cal Wonder green peppers soon too. My jalapeno plant just started setting fruit. I had to move it as it wasn't getting enough sun but now I think it's happy.

  • veggiefaery
    14 years ago

    So far I have harvested lots of cucumbers. A few squash, edamame, peas, and more and more carrots.

    In a little while I'll harvest my first musk melon ever. If it turns out well, I'll definitely keep growing melons. Next year I will try watermelon too. I'll also be harvesting some peppers soon. They were late starters this year because of the cool July.

  • wiringman
    14 years ago

    early peas, carrots and beets are done.

    Yukon gold potatoes.

    cayenne and jalapeno peppers.

    three kinds of cheery tomatoes and one canning tomato. i am also getting Matina tomatoes.



    green beans blue lake pole.

    boaton pickling and market more cukes.

    i had corn on the 24th of July. that is hard to do in Zone 4 let alone Utah.

    three kinds of zucchini and crook neck.

    i have walla walla onions about 2 1/2" and still gorwing.

    my red and orange bells are about 3" but have not turned yet. i do not eat green peppers.

    i have peperoncini.

    i have banana squash at about 30 lbs and Hubbard, spaghetti, and butternut also.

    my sunflowers are all headed out good.

    my large tomatoes are at 3" and all green.

    well things have been a little slow this year but things are looking up.

    our green houae is a little ahead of out field corps. that is mostly tomatoes, cucks and bell peppers.

    my red acres cabbage is starting to head up. yummy home made kraut.

    i feel pleased about the garden this year over all.


  • holly-2006
    14 years ago

    I just picked 23 green peppers and one measly cucumber.

    No squash or tomatoes yet.

  • ninjabut
    14 years ago

    We've had a cool summer the last month or so. Temps only in the 70s.We're hitting 80s=90s this week. Things should start happening now!
    I have some zucchini and crookneck, not a huge amount, just about enough. I have the mystery squash that I have been putting out on the street with a FREE sign. It's tasty on the grill, but easily gets away from me!
    I have some sungold in a pot. My other maters are ready to roll! Just need that heat and sun to ripen, and then, oh my! I'll be in trouble! Cukes are tricking in, lettuce, chard, red dock, basil coming out my ears! Plenty of herbs. Peppers are just getting going. I have 3 about 3" long. Again, we need the heat.Same with the eggplant. Just a couple of babies.
    Unfortunately, a gopher has invaded my largest bed (8YO, probably the wire rotted out)he liked the green beans best and is now working on my brussel sprouts.I'll probably have to forgo some of the winter stuff unless we can get a new bed in place SOON.
    I started a new GB area and will hopefully get a late batch in late Sept/early Oct. We don't usually freeze til mid-late Nov.
    Cyrus, how do you use your stevia? I planted some, thinking I would make my DH some iced tea with it. Do you just throw it in with tea bags, dry it or what?

  • cabrita
    14 years ago

    Still a few carrots, and beets, different types of chards, tomatoes, eggplants, hot peppers (sweets are late), green beans, dried beans, shellie beans (purple hulls), butternut and acorn squashes, summer squashes of a few types, a couple of types of cucumbers. Finally the okra is trickling in. Lemons, but still no figs or melons. Maybe a couple of weeks for the figs, more for melons. My neighbor's grapes are spilling over my side, so i will have some grapes soon too. My grain corn is almost done, hickory king. I am waiting for the hulls to be all yellow, maybe this weekend.

    I harvest lots of perennial herbs if and when i need them. I got sage, thyme, rosemary, marjoram, tarragon, and different types of oregano. Lots of mint too. My mint is like a weed that makes me smile. As far as annual herbs, right now the shiso is going crazy and the basil is taking off. I got thai, opal, valentino and sweet (regular). I also have a couple of patches of parsley that I am hiding from the sun.

  • Todd Evans
    14 years ago

    I have several varieties of tomatoes that are just now starting to turn. I have been getting cherry tomatoes for several weeks now.
    I am getting green bell peppers and yellow banana peppers. My red bell peppers are huge, but are just now starting to show some signs of turning.
    My sweet corn came in starting last week and is nearly finished.
    My pole beans started coming in at the start of last week and they are just hitting their stride.
    I have several watermelons that will be ready any day now.
    I am still getting broccoli and a few peas, in addition to cabbage, zucchini and summer squash.

    This week I am tearing out the corn and will be planting squash and broccoli seedlings for a fall harvest. I also have bush beans, scallions, white radishes and cucumbers that were planted a month ago that I hope to get some kind of harvest from this fall.

  • flora_uk
    14 years ago

    Runner beans, zucchini, favas, lettuces, kale, chard, plums, red currants, beets, kohl rabi and potatoes. Tomatoes have all gone down with blight - as usual.

  • tn_veggie_gardner
    14 years ago

    Cherry tomatoes, Early Girl tomatoes, Hot Hungarian Wax peppers, Jalapeno peppers, Serrano peppers, various herbs & very soon: Habanero's, picling cukes & a few veggies.

  • kr222
    14 years ago

    Right now tomatoes on all of my plants are starting to ripen. I'm growing Black Krim, Cowlick Brandywine, Celebrity, Constoluto Genovese, KBX, Opalkas (3), Sandul Moldovan, Gold Nugget, and Cherokee Green. I just got my first taste of Cherokee Green, and I'm in love! By far the best tomato I have ever eaten, and it's beautiful too.

    Peppers: I'm harvesting Mucho Nachos by the basket full. Seriously. With two plants. Jalapeno M's, anaheims, and tons of Fat N' Sassy bell peppers. A hybrid that is now my favorite bell pepper hands down.

    My dark red kidney beans are coming along nicely as well. It won't be long until these are ready.

    I'm close to picking my first muskmelon, Minnesota Midget.

    I have two Jack Be Little pumpkins that look like they would make a nice little pie right now.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Kim's Garden

  • tn_veggie_gardner
    14 years ago

    Ouch!!! Lol...that's what I was souching for 30 minutes or so after my first Mucho Nacho Jal this year. I swear those things are as hot as, if not hotter than a Hab.

  • kr222
    14 years ago

    I put two in a big bowl of salsa last night. Holy cow. You're not joking. I seeded one of them, but not the other. What was I thinking? Yikes! The hubby loved it. It was bordering on too fiery for me. They sure produce like a dream though.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Kim's Garden

  • anney
    14 years ago

    Not harvesting a lot. My tomatoes and melons out in the garden have given up the ghost. I planted some short-season determinate tomatoes in SWCs and am hoping they'll produce something before frost. Started some broccoli at about the same time for a fall harvest and it's poking along, not liking the heat much I suppose. Still waiting for okra pods to finish developing on my six large plants in SWCs.

    But I'm amazed at the production of my Jupiter bell peppers. They're also in SWCs, two plants, and this morning there are 13 peppers on them at various stages of maturity. Here's a blurry picture of the four I picked yesterday.


    They're enormous, and I attribute that to this fertilizer experiment post made back in the spring, where heavy fertilization of bell peppers was discussed. My past experience with almost no fertilizer resulted in extremely few thin-skinned and small peppers (same Jupiter batch of seeds). So I'm now convinced that double-triple the recommended amount of fertilizer for bell peppers is how to get lots of big ones, having done it for myself!

  • ancfan
    14 years ago

    zucs, yellow crooknecks, armenian cukes, cherry toms, reg toms, hmong cuc, okra and the blackeyed peas are coming in.
    The watermelons are getting big and new fruits, cantalopes pretty soon, different exotic toms are flowering, some have toms on them, can't tell yet what variety they are yet. Corn soon (maybe in a week) for the 1st planting.

  • spiced_ham
    14 years ago

    Minnesota Midget mellons have been producing for a while now as have cucumbers. I'm just now starting to get the big tomatoes, sweet corn, and the first of the hot peppers. My sorta late planted beets look to be ready too.