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Use what you have challenge, calling all packrats

14 years ago

The other day I looked for some pretty fiber that I used to have when i did more scrapbooking. I wanted to make hangers for my paper halloween garden fairies. When I couldn't find it I realized that I had given it and a bunch of scrapbooking stuff to a friend of my dfosterd who scrapbooks. I think its fine on one level that I gave it away,but the reason I did was to make room for more stuff!

Soo, I decided that not only will I spend at least 10 min/day in a creative endeavor, but that for the next month I will only use what I already have. The only exception will be if I need a small thing for a project that I have almost everything for. Also Christmas gifts, but I will try to use what I have to make gifts as well. So from now until November 13, I will work on projects every day using materials that I already have. Any other pack rats want to join me? We could report here, once a week or so.

I have to use up some of my glass dishes!


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