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An Update on Ol' Toeless & PC

15 years ago

I'm not sure if I mentioned when our computer crashed while Bob was in the hospital that one of Bob's friends bought us a Windows XP disk on eBay since we never got a disk with our computer. Bob reformatted the hard drive and reinstalled XP. Well, for some reason the key wasn't accepted by Microsoft so we kept getting messages that we had a counterfeit copy of the software. Because of that, we were unable to update anything.

I couldn't get on the internet for the past couple of days and we were going to buy a new computer until we started pricing them. It seems that places like Best Buy will give you a low price but when you start adding on new software, anti-virus software, etc. it ends up costing about $200 more than the price tag. Bob and I couldn't decide which computer to get so we finally caved and took ours in to get it fixed by the guy who built it for $50.

We got it home and I'm finally back on the internet without a counterfeit copy of XP. lol! It is so nice not to get that message and to be able to download updates. Plus I have my Microsoft Office again! Yeah!

As for Ol' Toeless ... I took him to his toe doctor today for a checkup. I am happy to say, the doctor said his foot looked "100 times better" than it did the last time we were there and he is "very happy" with the way it is healing. Woo-hoo! Bob will have to continue having the nurse come every day to clean it and change the dressing but we are thinking in a few more weeks, we will see how it is progressing and then the doctor can show me how to do it and Bob won't need to be "house bound" any more to get the nursing care.

So it looks like Ol' Toeless will be able to keep his 3 other piggies for now ... hopefully for good but you never know with diabetics.

Thank you for all your prayers! I know God was so bombarded with prayers that He thought He better help this crazy guy out just to shut everyone up. he-he You folks are the greatest!

Hugs & Kisses,


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