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Do you pass up stuff that is too good?

15 years ago

Sometimes I think I am so bizarre ... when I go to thrift stores or rummage sales, I sometimes bypass some glassware or dishes that would be great smashed up for mosaicing or glued together in a totem but I don't have the heart to buy them because I think a needy person might buy it for its intended use.

Do you ever skip something because you feel too guilty using it for a totem, mosaic project or some other "junk" project because someone more needy might really want it for its original use?

Comments (26)

  • desertrat1
    15 years ago

    Wow you really think about this....I don't bat an eye at buying something I think that I could use for a project. Because if I pass it by the first time and leave I know it won't be there the next day. You have to jump on these items before someone else snatches them up. There is enough stuff out there at thrift stores to go around. I know that on days that I'm not "visiting" the thrift stores that someone else is. :-) BUT, sometimes I do kick myself if I do pass up something because I don't have the money or I think it is too expensive. Some items I've gotten are a "one of a kind" item....

    Hope this eases your mind. It's OK to get soemthing you want or need. :-)

    Love, Jules

  • leveta
    15 years ago

    I"m bad about passing up things for no reason then thinking on it, then when I go back....POOF!!! it's gone....

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  • toomuchglass
    15 years ago

    I don't think that way . I just buy it and get it home - then I like it so much - I don't have the heart to smash it . That's why I have SO MUCH STUFF !!! ( LOL )

  • goldenpond
    15 years ago

    I have an outlet for selling items that are worth waaaay more then I paid and cannot bear to break or destroy and turn into something else.
    My thing is I feel it is HISTORY.Old milk glass and such ends up in my antique booth where it happily goes to some collectors Big wooden china cabinet to be treasured by the grandkids someday.
    Sometimes I see Y'alls totems and I think "OOOH they shouldn't ought to have done that. It was worth alot of $$$."
    But it is whatever makes you happy.
    Anyway,,, if you see a valuable item you don't want to change you can always put it on Ebay .

  • akup_a
    15 years ago

    I'm glad I'm not the only one that passes things up because some needy person might need it, esp., if it belongs in a set but I only want one piece.
    Until the other day that is! I've wanted to put my house numbers on plates & set them outside. I found the perfect plates that were with some other matches pieces, not a full set though. I just had to have 4 of those plates! So, I bought 'em; feeling guilty as I walked out the store. So, maybe I haven't conquered the phobia afterall.

  • susiewantsroses
    15 years ago

    I use to be one of those "NEEDY PEOPLE" in most of my childhood and throughout my teens and early 20's. I never went out 'shopping' for dishes, never! The "needy" people "that I know personally" could care less if their dishes match. Their priorities are different. But they will take their last dime and go to a newly released movie or shop at the mall for a gift (I refuse to do either). My Grandparents had the same old chipped dishes all of my life but they had a long black Chrysler Imperial that was stunning. So while you are passing up something that you need for a project or to resale, someone else is buying it for their project or to resale.

    You have as much right to buy a $1.00 plate as anyone else in America. What you do with that plate is also your right. You should value your art enough to want the best color and design available. We may 'waste' a $1.19 teacup in the garden but there are always those who drink champagne and break the glasses in the fire place. I would have put the chrystal on a totem. lol susie

  • susiewantsroses
    15 years ago

    I just reread what I wrote. Can you tell that I was on the Debate team in high school??? LOL (I never learned to spell but I could run my mouth.)

    I need to clarify that the needy people that I mentioned above are people that I know or have known (not the entire population).

    Being poor gave me an amazing drive to WORK my way out of that position. I always loved the idea of a beautiful home and garden. I have relatives who have never wanted anything more than what they have. My Grandparents didn't even want a hot water heater or an indoor bathroom until the 70's when we forced it on them. My Grandmother never used the new tub and toilet. Personal happiness is what is important. I didn't want ya'll to think that I do not have empathy for the needy. I HAVE LIVED IT!!!

    Luna, if it is on a shelf with a price tag on it, you may buy it. If you are at a Widows and Orphans garage sale give them more than they're asking price.

    I donate boxes and boxes of stuff to some of these resales so I feel fine about buying whatever they are pricing and selling. They take the money that I spend and buy food, baby supplies, and support shelters and pregnant women. This is what needy people want most. I can promise you from experience they are not looking for matching dishes in a paticular pattern. SHOP FREELY AND ENJOY LIFE KNOWING THAT MOST RESALES are indeed supporting the needy because of your dollars!!!! That is why I started shopping at resales to begin with. susie

  • Marlene Kindred
    15 years ago

    My husband has a saying...."He who sees and does not buy will never find again." I hear it over and over in my mind whenever I'm shopping. I have found it to be pretty accurate, having bypassed some things that I liked, but thought I shouldn't get for whatever reason. Then, as the rest of you, when I went back, it was gone. I think that if you are in a thrift store, etc. then you should buy what you like. There is such a huge turn around for those stores, that even if someone "needs" something, there will be another one available when they come in to shop. I know that personally I take tons of stuff to the SA, TS, and GW to be used/bought by others, so I don't feel guilty purchasing something there and supporting their missions.

    Go for it Luna!!

  • nonacook
    15 years ago

    I agree with Susiewantsroses! I didn't live it as she did, but saw neighbors who rented, throw away everything when they moved saying "Someone (meaning SA or missions or churches) will give us new stuff". They would put their blankets on the fence during the summer and let them rot, and go begging in the fall. I don't really feel sorry for what I buy. My family wasn't rich, and we made use of those things that we gathered up, from those rental houses.
    I guess that was when my 'junking' days first began! LOL

  • Bright199
    15 years ago

    I feel that if I don't buy it a dealer will!!! That's mostly who I see shopping in TS for the items we use. Dealers who will resale in an antique shop or ebay.. so I snatch it up. Now if it's too pretty I may hang on to it... but buy it now... it will be gone... there's no goin back.

  • tennesseetrash
    15 years ago

    I have passed up cool finds many times, and almost always regret it. If you go back, it's usually not there any more. My reasons have been money, space to store the item, what will I do with it, do I really need it, etc. That's life I guess, I do what some of the others do, I just have to clean out my stock, rotate it, have a garage sale and get rid of my least favorite stuff so I can get more stuff. Is that a classic junker? lol ~tenderlee

  • goldenpond
    15 years ago

    I can remember trying to give used clothing to some families I thought could use them only to have them say We only wear new things,
    I do not need to garage sale or buy used things,clothin included but why NOT?????It is REUSE RECyLE AND REPURPOSE!!

  • jeannespines
    15 years ago

    I just love to browse...and I always feel good about "buying" because it is keeping some folks "working!" ...and I feel blessed that I am able to buy "something" most of the time. Recycling/re-purposing makes me feel "good." Jeanne S.

  • luna_llena_feliz
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    I think I feel bad when I see some cute little knicknack that I'd love to incorporate into a mosaic piece - something like a little bunny, bird or flower - and I think back to when I was a kid and I'd go into thrift stores, see something like that for less than a dollar, buy it and treasure it. Or I'd see a vase or candy dish that was so pretty and looked like new that I'd buy it as a gift for my mother or grandmother. I guess I still have those memories embedded in my brain when I'm shopping around for bits and pieces to mosaic with. Or sometimes I see a pretty decorative plate and imagine someone who would love to buy it and display it on their wall or in a cabinet. Again, ideas like that pass through my head when I'm shopping. I'd feel better if the pretty knicknacks or plates would have chips in them. lol!

    akup_a, you aren't the only one who sees some of the gorgeous totems and thinks oops, I bet that piece in the middle is worth a good chunk of money! lol!

    Susiewantsroses, I am pretty much one of those needy people who doesn't mind second hand stuff or to repurpose things. I grew up on second hand stores, rummage sales and Goodwill. I worked at Goodwill for many years too. But I definitely know those people you are talking about. The ones that if you bought clothes for their kids from a rummage sale that look like brand new, they would turn their noses up at them because they are "used." They'd die if you bought their kids a clean, almost brand new used toy. And they look at you crazy when you get excited over an old table you bought for a few bucks at a flea market. Thank goodness, I have never been that kind of needy person! lol!

    nonacook, thank goodness for those people! I like going through their garbage and pulling out amazing things! lol! I am astonished at the great stuff that people who rent throw away. My Bob and I are always perusing through the garbage in our apartment building. Things that I can't use that I find, I give to charity and those people probably get it right back. lol!

    Jeanne S., I know exactly what you mean when it makes you feel good to buy something to recycle/repurpose. I see that in everyone here when we get all giddy over things we buy at thrift stores, rummage sales, flea markets, etc.

    Thanks for the therapy, ladies!

  • tennesseetrash
    15 years ago

    I am not rich, but have been a personal assistant for a couple of very rich people. They were the most grounded, un-flashy people I've known.

    The doctor I worked for was friends with a local lawyer. The doc's kids got estatic each year when the lawyer's wife gave them their hand-me-down clothes. Their kids were happy when they had 50 cents in their pocket and were not spoiled. My kids babysat them and their favorite treat was dry Cheerios in a cup. Even though they could have spoiled them easily, they knew how to instill the right values in them.

    Tanya, the people you tried to help probably could have used the things you wanted to give them, but they try to live above their means apparently. Foolish pride & ignorance on their part, you were just trying to help them live better.

    My point is that even though the doctor's family had lots of money, they recycled and repurposed happily, even though they didn't have to. Lived simply. I admire people like that. It's not about money, it's about using only what you need and reusing when possible, and not being wasteful. I think being wasteful is downright vulgar, and people like that turn me off in a hurry. ~tenderlee

  • jitterbug4756
    15 years ago

    My mom works in the SA Thrift strore here. Shes always telling me about dealers that come in ,usually tues, wed..cos alot of people donate stuff on the weekends, and it takes the workers & volenteers a couple of days to go through the stuff & price it. she says they follow her from the warehouse door to where ever it is shes gonna put it down. So, by all means, snatch it up when you see it,cos around here esp. SOMEONE is gonna get it...and there is an amazing amount of stuff that comes through our store. Ive found some great stuff ...and no, she cant put back stuff she finds in the back for me :(( She won't even call me & tell me theres some great stuff, just later she'll say, oh Jude, you should have seen the .....

  • concretenprimroses
    15 years ago

    Sometimes I feel bad buying things that I think someone else could use, but not very often, lol. I also give a lot to TS's. Luna, I think if the child is there looking at the piece while its in your hand that's one thing. But as someone pointed out probably someone else will just pick it up if you dont. Years ago when I ran a TS for a non profit, I would ask dealers to leave cuz I wanted our clients and regular customers to have the stuff. That was before ebay. Now everyone is a potential dealer. I feel a little funny thinking that the staff at the SA probably think I'm a dealer. Sometimes I tell a person that I make stuff but generally they are not interested. Recycling is the important thing. And someone who wants a gift can still find something even if we purchase stuff for our creations. So go for it!
    As far as fancy dishes in totems: I know I've used some valuable things in my plate flowers. I think that's ok. What's the difference between enjoying it in the garden or enjoying it in a cupboard?

  • aka_strawberrygoat
    15 years ago

    the way I look at shopping at any ts, or GW, or SA is...
    there is a duplicate for just about anything you will ever see in any of those stores, including garage sales and rummage sales.
    if you see it and like it, right then and there.
    don't worry about the next person who may need it..
    there is always more of the same.
    the only things that I think are a one of a kind, are the things that are hand made and crafted by someone, with care and time invested in it.
    those I buy and keep and wonder what the story was, that goes along with has personality and a life of it's own.

    I don't do retail..
    I love a bargain and 'free' is my friend.

    guilt has no place, going along with me, shopping for stash for art work.
    leave that for someone else to stress about.

    don't pass up that cool find...if you start to feel guilty, think of me, like?...then, it!!

    Becky .(*_*). strawberrygoat.....

  • luna_llena_feliz
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    Thanks for all the encouragement. You don't know how often I see a pretty little knicknack that I want to take home and bust up to incorporate into a mosaic but I hold back out of guilt.

    jitterbug, I used to work in a Goodwill years ago and we had people with resale shops follow us around as we put out merchandise. It got so we had to rope off the glassware area otherwise people would fight over the stuff we put out. Then we got smart and would put stuff out at different times so the usual resellers couldn't count on us stocking at the same time each day. It was funny but we'd see them start coming in at nights and on weekends. he-he

    This weekend I am going to Madison for the annual Wisconsin Gourd Society Festival. I'm taking a class on how to burn/carve a design in a gourd. It will probably look like crap but I'm sure my friend and I will enjoy it. Maybe I'll check out the thrift stores there. he-he

  • luvs2click
    15 years ago

    I don't mosaic, so I don't have the guilt-over-smashing problem, but I have passed over some good things in the past - mainly because of no room to store - too much stuff at home already. This especially happens when I'm curb shopping. I've passed over tons of old windows just because I have no place to store them. Sure wish I had a barn... (I think DH is tired of hearing me say that). He has a woodworking shop but I already have the corners stuffed full there, as well as our small garden shed.

    As far as Goodwill shopping, it's all fair game - whoever gets it first. I've seen how people sit and wait for new carts of stuff to come out and then attack it like flies on a carcass! So I don't feel bad snapping up something if I like it, no matter what I'm gonna use it for.

    I love the thrill of the hunt!

  • goldenpond
    15 years ago

    and dont forget. Goodwill has a site where they sell their best stuff ONLINE!
    I think Kirk gave us the name .

  • cait1
    15 years ago

    Hearing you all makes me JEALOUS!! I can go into a charity shop weeks later and see NOTHING NEW!! One CS by me selects which plates it puts out and usually dumps the ones they don't put out and won't let anyone even see them! That's why I feel very blessed to have a friend who works in a different cs who saves all the stuff they'd toss for me to look through. And colorful plates often sell for $3 here - most plates are plain or poorly designed for cutting into mosaics. And there are a lot of plates with brown and mustard colored designs - YUCK! So if I see something colorful I snatch it us so quickly... makes Clark Kent changing into Superman look like a snail! Once I picked up some plates at a cs and the lady said they were so pretty and I must have made a guilty face cuz right away she said, "You're not going to smash them up, are you?" I said I was and she said she had another mosaicer come in often to look for plates for smashing. So I have stiff competition here. No wonder I have a difficult time finding breaking material! HA

    Actually, when I found that complete service for 12, the Sunflower plates I'm using on my mosaic bench, for just $10, I was overjoyed!! Full patterned plates like that are a very rare find. When I told the ex-owner I was going to break them up she looked heartbroken but I wasn't feeling bad at all. I told her I would make something beautiful with them and I do love the bench. It was because of those plates I came up with the design with the peacocks.

    Remember, you're repurposing, not destroying. You're taking something that was once used for one reason and creating BEAUTY!! We can't have enough beauty in this world of ours!

  • dkline_2008
    15 years ago

    I passed up several bunk beds on freecycle because I thought someone could actually use them for their children. BUT when I saw a bunkbed on there that was broken and of no real use to anyone else but me, I snatched it up. I figured if I didnt take the broken set, it would end up in the land fill. And now I have two wonderful garden benches out of it. So, I didnt feel guilty since it was of no use any more as a bed. But when it comes to buying at the resale shops I feel no guilt. If I dont buy it someone else will. I like to shop at GW, SA, and the habitat restore. They all benefit others in the long run and I get great stuff for cheap. If you want it, buy it.

  • luna_llena_feliz
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    Deb, you kind of know how I feel when you described your not taking a bunkbed when it wasn't broken. That's how I feel about a number of things I see.

    With everyone's encouragement, I will be able to snap up more things when I see them!

  • susiewantsroses
    15 years ago

    Luna and Deb, I do the same thing when I see a baby bed. But if they say it is an antique (unsafe by today's standards but I saw this once on FCyc) then I would try for that. But in a resale I would still buy anything that has a price tag.

  • jitterbug4756
    15 years ago

    luna, I'm gonna pass that tip on to momma about different times to put stuff out. Shes in her 70s & only 4'11" & I worry about her sometimes when shes telling tales of the "grabs". What's pretty funny is she has 2 booths at local antique mall/ and a craft & stuff resell shop. They have a one hour on the floor rule before employees @ SA can buy something there. She haunts all the other GW,HH, and flea market/jockey lots to find stuff to put in her booths, along w/ all the knitted & craft stuff she, my sister & I make !!! They all know "Miss Dottie" & love her. I think thats why thye have her in the back pricing @ SA, she knows her stuff !!!!