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Pounds of green beans per row foot

I have a question. I have grown green beans in the past, bush type and pole type. Pole type was a bust. This year I lost the first crop to cucumber beetles. I sprayed the bugs and killed them, tilled it all under and replanted. This crop has been doing great. I do not remember picking this many beans before. I picked 60 pounds of 160 row feet. I had enough to fill an 18 gallon Rubbermaid tote. I packed them in really tight and filled a cooler too.

I told my wife how many I had and she said "Sell them, it would take me days to can that many!"

I have my 3 planting blooming and the fourth is just coming up(I hope they make it).

Is this really crazy high yield or is this normal for Contender bush beans? This is the second picking, the first yielded 25 pounds off the same rows. I know the weather for them has been very nice, so I am sure that helps.

Just curious? Also, I find it funny it took me 2 hours to pick 25 pounds and 2 hours to pick 60 pounds. I guess it doesn't matter the yield it just takes time to bend over and look is what takes the time.

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