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re-graft this year or let stock grow for another chance next year

10 years ago

I grafted pecans for the first time this year, two of them. One of them seems to be doing okay, but the other one pushed a little, started to unfold, and then just withered. Meanwhile I've been rubbing off any competing growth from the stock. I still have scions in the fridge that I could use to re-graft, but I don't know if I should try to graft again this late, presumably with lower odds of success, or if I should give my stock a chance to grow now so that I don't completely kill the tree (leaving a chance to graft again next spring.) The tree with the failed graft is probably close to 2" in diameter at the bottom, and it's been in the ground for 5 years, so I figure it's potentially a fairly valuable stock. What do you all think? Thanks!

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