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Peach leaf Curl Q's

13 years ago

Hi there tree guru's,

I have 5 trees with peach leaf curl and was told by a local, reliable (I think)tree nursery to spray them with a copper spray and see if that helped any. They also told me that I could do a second spray about 10 days later and see if that helped but it really needs to be sprayed in Nov. & Dec. as a prevention.

SO my questions are 1) is the fruit still edible? 2) should I remove all the leaves currently effected with PLC, this would be a large portion?

Additional info---One of the five trees is severely effected, there are only about 10 leaves on the whole tree that are normal. The rest of the trees are about 50%-75% effected and I would be really sad to lose all this fruit. Also we are still having small showers of rain and I understand this is how the fungus travels so I am guessing it gets on the fruit.

Thanks so much for your help, T

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