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Making your own horticultural oil

14 years ago

I found these two recipes for making your own pest horti spray and wondered if I could successfully use the first one (Generic oil spray) on a small scale problem??? I already have veg oil in the house that the first recipe requires.

I went to Lowe's today to buy some h. oil but they didn't have any at all.

I was recently given a bunch of spider babies that I planted in a hanging basket. a few weeks later I noticed some of the leaves looked funny, some were folded in the middle like you would fold a piece of paper in ha;f, that's when I discovered a few scale. I would normally toss anything with scale, but, this one time I wanted to see if I can't get rid of them.

Here are the two recipes....

Generic oil spray

1 cup vegetable oil

1 tablespoon dishwashing liquid

Mix 1 tablespoon with 2 cups of water. Fill a spray bottle and shake well.

Pest and Foliar disease oil spray

1 tablespoon baking soda

2 tablespoons ultra fine canola oil

1 gallon of water

Combine all ingredients and shake well. Use on plants to combat fungal diseases.

Will the oil dry on the plant in a week, then I would need to repeat treatment right?


Billy Rae

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