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WANTED: Seeds of Edibles: Veggies, Fruit, Flowers, Herbs


This request is not for myself. It is for those less fortunate. IN RETURN, I will trade my own seeds, send postage, or whatever.

Anything edible is acceptable. My charity (not 501c yet, but working on it) Need 4 Seed sends out garden seeds so that people can grow food for themselves.

We have helped many families already. The reson for their need has run the gamut: over 6 kids, retired and on Soc. Sec., lost job, disabled, hurricane, fire, helping a neighbor, and more.

Note: Many people who have a place to garden (i.e. have a home) are not eligible for many forms of assistance. Growing food is one way they can help themselves.

I accept any seed that is sent (don't forget I will trade for it). Older seed is OK too. Tomoatoes have good germination for 5 years, so older seeds are A-O-K. I would just need to know they are older.

Please e-mail me directly at and put Need 4 Seed Trade GW as the subject line.

Thanks for your kind consideration.


Here is a link that might be useful: My Trade Page

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