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pollinating a paw-paw

12 years ago

hi - my 2 paw paws are getting old enough where i'd like to see some fruit. maybe 4-5 years planted, and i bought them grafted.

so i read about pollinating, and was surprised to read that by the time the anthers are ready to give pollen, it is too late for the stigma to accept them.

so with this logic, i have 2 trees, and 1 of them will flower first. when tree1 flowers, and pollen gets ready to save to apply to the tree 2 when it flowers, tree 1's stigma will be expired and not able to receive tree 2's pollen. so the best i can hope for is to pollinate 1 tree if i have 2, as the first tree that flowers will always not be able to be pollinated.

is this logic correct? if so, are there any options i have to be able to pollinate both trees?

thanks for replies

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