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Jounal for December 25-January1st

19 years ago

Christmas afternoon, we were taking a quick nap and my hubby was wakened to barking of dogs. They had torn down a chicken tractor and killed 8 of the nine chickens that were inside. When hubby got outside the dogs were at a rabbit pen trying to get to the rabbit that was inside. Fortunately, hubby got there to stop the slaughter of the rabbit.

The chickens were killed and scattered around the backyard. Makes my blood pressure rise to think of someone's dogs destroying the chickens that we had raised almost to the size to put in the freezer.

Hubby bought me an incubator for Christmas. I am so excited that I can now hatch my own chicks. (Guess they will be dog food if we can't find out who these roamers belong to) I have some silkies and dominiques that I want to hatch chicks from the eggs. I would like to have a flock of dominique hens and maybe raise some silkies to sell.

I am wondering where I need to put the incubator. Do any of you hatch eggs in the incubator and where do you keep it? The man I bought my NZWs from had an incubator in his house where he was hatching quail eggs. I don't have the automatic egg turner so will have to do the turning myself.

Also, dear hubby bought me a new dutch doe for Christmas. She is sure a beautiful bunny but will only be a pet, since I have the NZWs to try to raise meat rabbits. Don't know if I would be able to raise dutch to sell for pets. Am trying not to stretch myself too thin so as to not give all the animals the care they need.

It has been a weekend around here. But today is a beautiful day with the sun shining and it has warmed up a bit.

We had a wonderful Christmas with our girls. Our son hasn't made it home from being deployed yet but is on his way. When he gets home then we will all get together again for another celebration.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week.


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