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Goose sick need help!!!

17 years ago

I have 5 ducks and 2 geese, all 2 months old. This morning when they went to the pond they were fine, but this afternoon when they came in, one of the geese could hardly walk. I checked it over and found on one flipper two marks. One was larger than the other. Could be it was attacted by something, scatched it on some brush, but my biggest fear is it may have been bitten by a snake. The marks are about 2- 2 1/2 inches apart, more like punctures than scratches.

It made it back to the house with the other birds and then collapsed, wouild no longer walk and appeared to be very disoriented. It's been eating and drinking just fine but does not look good at all. If its a snake bite what are its chances? Can I do anything to help it? What else could it be?

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