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Rooster Castration

18 years ago

Okay, here's the question: Can a rooster be castrated?

He hatched in May along with two other pullets. I've got 10 pullets that are five months old. I now have the pullets all together and they get along fine. When I put him in with them he is just brutal (way beyond the usual business of a rooster), not to mention perpetually horny, he can't get enough. He is very beautiful and I don't mind keeping him around and feeding him. Actually he is sort of a pet and I really want to keep him. I let the pullets out to free range when I get home from school and during the weekends (but not since he has turned brutal.) This rooster roosts in the pen with the game chickens (one of the game hens hatched him out - I switched eggs, he's not a game bird) but the game rooster kicks his butt if he's not already gone to roost for the evening when I let him back in the pen and if I don't get out there really early to let him out the game rooster kicks his butt of a morning also. For the last couple of weeks I have been letting the rooster free range by himself. He just walks circles around the pullet pen (actually he dances sideways around their pen.) This morning before I left for school there were two coyotes less than 20 feet from the chicken pen so I let him in the pullet pen to keep him safe. His safety lasted about 15 minutes until I could get him back out of their pen. Sure enough, he was alive when I got home this afternoon - not coyote bait. I've rambled enough, how will I be able to keep him? I was raised on a cattle ranch and just about any other farm animal can be castrated, but I'm having to learn about chickens as we go.

I found information in Storey's Guide to Raising Poultry about the caponizing process, but since this process is for a different reason and my fella is eight months old can we, should we give it a try?

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