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dealing with a recalcitrant neighbor about weed trees

davidrt28 (zone 7)
10 years ago

I share a long property line, > 100', with one of the town's grand poobahs, a former local politician. I live in one of those rural areas where even if you've been here for 50 years, you're still an outsider. He's arrogant and the rest of the neighbors have warned me of their snobbishness.

They've allowed several weed trees to grow exactly on the property line - under power lines no less. They are norway maples. My property is to the south so these crap trees are leaning over my yard to reach the sun. A couple years ago I sprayed _my side_ of a sapling with roundup, and killed it off. At some point the carcass was removed. A couple years ago, one of his sassafrases, also a sapling that should never have been allowed to grow, fell into my yard and damaged some of my trees. If it had fallen the other way when the trunk split, it would have taken out the power lines, setting us up for a multi-day outage.

I got fed up with another one about a month ago and sprayed it too. Yesterday he confronted me about the fact it was slowly dying. I made up some excuse that it was a wet year and that could have given it a root disease. Frankly, I was only spraying _my_ side of the tree, and according to the great american principle of property rights, it should none of his GD business what I do on my side of the property line. So I have no obligation to tell him what I did.

Wonder how other people have dealt with these circumstances. There's really a case in civilized municipalities for laws saying nothing of a certain height can be planted w/in 10' or whatever of a property line. Again, from a property rights POV, it's really about protecting the rights of _both_ parties. I wonder what he would think if I bought 20 poncirus trifoliata seedlings and planted them 3 inches away from the fence on MY side, so that his multitudinous grandchildren could poke their eyes out on them. Would he like to deal with that? Amazing that someone reached his level of life achievement without having a basic grasp of cause and effect. Norway maples directly under a low power line? Not a good idea.

This post was edited by davidrt28 on Mon, Jul 29, 13 at 11:39

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