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White fuzzy stuff on plant stems

14 years ago


I am correcting my earlier posting, since someone advised me that my original posting was incorrect. (The helpful poster advised me that my plants probably have some kind of disease that is not damping off).

I am a newbie, and can use your experience on this. About 2-3 months ago, I planted 3 oregano seedlings in one 16 inch pot with Miracle Grow potting mix. They are growing. However, in the past week, the oregano stems got covered in white fuzzy stuff, really bad.

Can i save the plants? Should I try to just pour a layer of sand on top of the potting mix and plants? Will that help, and will the plants push through the sand? Or repot the plants in a pot of sand? I've never bought sand before. Is there a specific kind to look for in the gardening department of Lowes or Ace Hardware or somewhere? Or should I throw the plant out?

Is it safe to eat the leaves if the white stuff is only on the stems?

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