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12" of snow and getting ready to sow

10 years ago

OK...This is my first year of starting seeds indoors. I have 20 bottom trays that are 7.5"x 13.25" in the base and desperately trying to find a uniform cup/container that will fit comfortably in these. I feel like as a result of the 7.5" I would be wise to try to find a 2.5" cup, but all the drinking cups I encounter are 3"+. I am considering the newspaper pots thing, but that is really scary to me as I feel they may disintegrate before I am ready to plant outdoors.

Any suggestions out there for a newbie? BTW, here is a listing of the plants I am growing this year. Obviously many are going to be direct sow, but tommys and peppers will start in the house.

Indeterminate Tomatos
San Marzano
San Marzano 3
Yellow Belgium
Black from Tula
Cherokee Purple
Black Krim

Determinate Tomatos
San Marzano Bush

Hinkelhatz - Red
Hinkelhatz - Yellow

Pumpkinn - Baby Bear
Pumpkin - Seminole
Squash - Zucchino Rampicante
Cucumber - Dragon Egg
Cucumber - Marketmore
Melon - American Melon/Musk
Beet - Detroit Red
Swiss Chard - Lucullus
Swiss Chard - Rainbow

Bean - Lima - King of the Garden
Bean - Lima - Christmas
Bean - Scarlett Runner

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