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2011 Brent and Becky's 50% off started today!

Per the email I got today:

"Getting all the parts of the web site to 'click on' at the same time on a Holiday may not be exact, but 'not to worry', if you place an order between now (about 8pm Thursday night) and Monday Dec. 5th at 6pm, the GARDEN BULBS AND COZY COMPANIONS that are still available will be 50% off - even if the 'computer to computer response' doesn't say so. (pre-cooled and indoor bulbs are not part of this sale) Once one of our office staff enters your order into our inventory system, you'll see the discount on our emailed acknowledgements."

So...check out what daffodils and other spring blooming bulbs they have available.

I placed my order and it showed the 'full' prices but at the bottom the 50% discount was subtracted from the order.

I 'thought' my order was pretty big, and then when I saw the total after discount, I considered ordering more, but held off. I didn't want to run out of 'planting time' before they are all planted with tlc.

HERE is the list of daffodils.

I had trouble (in my excitement since I had been really watching for this sale) finding the way to order with them on line. Well, the link is under SHOP and then choose Fast Shop...or HERE it is

Have fun and I hope you all can find some 'pretties' at fabulous bargain prices. admitted daffoholic.

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