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Cape Gooseberry and Husk Tomato -- Who Can Educate Me???

17 years ago

OK, I need a primer on Cape Gooseberries and Husk Tomatos. I've grown the Cape Gooseberries a couple of times, and they performed very well here, but I just didn't really like the flavor, even when I allowed them to get extremely ripe. I've never tried growing the Husk Tomatos.

I see that both of these Physallis species have sort of a following among some people.

I DO get Tomatillos now -- tried them a couple of years ago, both the green and purple varieties, and they made really tasty salsas.

So, my questions are: Are some of the Cape Gooseberry varieties truly fruity in flavor? The catalogs always describe them as tasting like pineapple or something similar. Mine always had a wierd, sort of bitterish aftertaste, kind of like eating an unripe cherry tomato, even when very, very ripe, a month or more after falling off the bush. Does variety matter? or, is it a question of climate -- maybe not enough heat units in Michigan to really get good flavor, sort of like the way some years, melons look nice but taste like cardboard or cucumbers.

And, how about Husk Tomatos? How do they differ from Cape Gooseberries? How about the flavor?

I feel like I should try these fruits again, as I know they would be quite productive in my garden. I'd be willing to give them a chance if I felt like I knew what I was doing with them, and that they would be worthwhile to grow.

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