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Poppies, everyone loves them, why don't I? [g]

I thought I already posted about this but can't find where I posted it, so posting again. [g] I tried annual poppies for the first time this year. The somniferums. It was a mix and there were a couple that were really pretty, but a lot of the mix were not what I was looking for.

Then I expected them to bloom a lot earlier then they did and be finished so something else could be planted in it's place. Here it is the middle of July and they are still throwing out a few blooms. The pods are really cute and I like them, but if I want to collect seed, then I have to wait for them to ripen. Which I wouldn't appreciate either since I put them in a perennial bed in a prominent position and the foliage is looking very ratty and they are flopping all over the neighboring plants. Every day I go out there I am sorely tempted to just pull them all out and put something there and forget collecting the seeds. I was really looking forward to them and am pretty disappointed.

So I am thinking that I just don't have the right place for them. So is there something I am missing? Does the foliage always get ratty and do they usually flop over too?

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