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New to Bulbs - 'Inherited' Tulips Moved but Don't Flower

12 years ago

Hi all,

I usually grow only perennials, but the new house we moved into three springs ago had a few random tulips growing in the grass - about two dozen if you include their offshoots.

I rescued them and put them in a rich new bed, knowing they might be too old to produce flowers, or die because I moved them at a bad time...

They seem to be flourishing in terms of foliage, and none seem to have died. I divided them and admittedly planted even the baby bulbs.

I'm wondering if it's worth keeping them in their 2x3 plot for another year and see if they bloom; this is what I was planning to do, but...

Then I read a few things (I have no idea if they are true):

1. that you have to lift and store them every fall

2. that new bulb offshoots may never flower

3. that if you let tulip foliage die down into the soil it will "poison" the soil

I also do not know if it is true that older tulips (these might be like 20+ years old according to the neighbor lady) don't produce blooms -- or if that is only if they aren't divided or you don't get the bulblets going.

Anyway, any thoughts would be helpful - apologize that I don't know the type but they are just "foundlings." They are medium to small in terms of foliage, as far as what I've seen on other tulips (they are about 8 inches high, and much much smaller than my big irises).


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