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Zoe 29

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Zoe 29 likes 2 comments on a discussion: Woman hiking alone in woods: man or bear?
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I've been following it - very interesting and so many really great commentaries about it. I think so many men have no idea what it's like to move through life as a woman. I like what this man wrote:

And to FOAS point:

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Annie Deighnaugh

"...99.9% of women go a life time w/o having to fear a bear or a man."

Don't ask what the numbers are and then just make them up. If your son is a data scientist, then perhaps you can get some actual data from him.

The statement simply isn't true. From the CDC: "Over half of women and almost 1 in 3 men have experienced sexual violence involving physical contact during their lifetimes. One in 4 women and about 1 in 26 men have experienced completed or attempted rape. "

And that is just sexual violence. On domestic violence, "1 in 7 women and 1 in 25 men have been injured by an intimate partner." (Source NCADV).

So yeah, while I'd be scared of a bear, I think its behavior would be reasonably predictable. And I know what its intent wouldn't be: to rape, rob, kidnap, or murder me. With a man? Not so much.

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Also, for anyone who RECEIVES money from Venmo that *appears* to be a mistake, do not send it back. It is a known scam. If it was a legitimate error, the person can work with Venmo to resolve it. Once YOU initiate a pay order, it is deemed intentional from you, and then once the initial "mistake" funds are indentified as stolen, that is deducted from your account too. Do not work with individuals - direct everyone to Venmo customer service.

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Zoe 29 likes a comment on a discussion: Smile today - 4/27/24
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Annie Deighnaugh

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Zoe 29 likes a comment on a discussion: Smile today - 4/22/24
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Not a smile, but an awareness

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Zoe 29 likes a comment on a discussion: Smile today - 4/18/23
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I apologize if I've already posted this

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Zoe 29 likes a comment on a discussion: Smile today - 4/15/24
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My husband went to work this morning....me...nooooooooooooooooo........

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Zoe 29 commented on a discussion: For those with little ones……food fun
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Zoe 29

I love these. I just sent them to my sister who babysits her great grandaughter a couple days a week. My grandaughter is almost five months, so I will save them for a while.

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Oh, I can imagine some little boys I knew having fun plucking the ”hair” off the fairy so she was bald! (or her dress!) But you do have a point, Elmer. It’s why we switched from theme birthday cakes to brownies, then pie. The kids didn’t care or even notice what the cake looked like, and ate either the icing, or the cake, but rarely both. Brownies were,a universal favorite and extra pieces could be easily sent home with kids or boxed up. In later years, pies were a birthday activity, with each kid selecting the filing for their slice, and making a way to identify that slice on the crust. (Making pizza was a similar activity.)

I think it’s like sushi, really pretty but then you just pop it in your mouth.

I see the rice now, eld, but is the yellow an omelette? It’s really cute.

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Yes, both, the yellow is eggs.

We did theme parties, but never themed cakes.

Zoe 29 likes a comment on a discussion: Smile today - 7/4/22
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Ordinarily I'm not a fan if tattoos. But, this made me smile:

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