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Paul Barden's Unnamed Gallica

Karen Service
14 days ago

Does anyone else grow this? I received this rose in error several years ago and it took awhile to figure out what it was. At first it struggled mightily during our hot humid summers and I thought I might lose it. I potted it up with the intention of moving it, then found out by happy accident that it didn't mind some shade in the summer. It was planted in the shade of an oak that leafs out late and has grown steadily. The full sun it does receive is during the coolest part of the season. Also, it is one of a handful of my 70-80 roses that survived w/o any damage the Christmas temp plunge in a matter of hours from 50's to 0 with heavy wind, then a late freeze after a warm spring, then a drought last growing season.

This spring is its best so far. The flowers are a mauve/rose red, full and fragrant. It is over 6' tall. Is this rose a climber, does anyone know? How big will it get? What else can you tell me about it?

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