VWbrownthumb's photo


About me: I have lived in Southern California my whole life, love it here! Unfortunately, economics being what they are, I lost my house with the yard (it wasn't big, but then around me, what is?) So, now in my much-smaller home with a small patio and no yard, I'm recovering from losing my beautiful rose bushes and embracing inside house plants and patio gardening.

My zone is: 10/Sunset 24
GardenWeb Member: 2014-06-11
Commented: need help photos, slides, letters? Been working on this myself for about 100 years. Most of my photos and so forth involve either my siblings or my children. They want their chance, too! So we came up with an arrangement: I started a ...
in Organizing the Home  
Commented: 20 Things You Can Get Rid Of... I want to comment on the getting rid of sheets thing ... save one and try this: Add several inches on the end of top sheets from an old top sheet. Take the sheet you might throw away, cut it width-wi...
in Organizing the Home  
Commented: Organizing/de cluttering success (please share yours too!) Well, I had some limited success this week. Having broken many of my own hoarding tendencies (YEARS of work), I am now working on my mom - her age makes her piles of stuff hazardous. Anyway, Myself, ...
in Organizing the Home