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traditionalbetty likes a comment on a discussion: Door colour suggestions for a beige house
traditionalbetty likes a comment on a discussion: Furniture refinish idea
traditionalbetty likes a comment on a discussion: Fireplace simple design idea.
Commented: Distant drainfields...why is this a good idea? I might be misunderstanding what you are describing, but it’s possible that the “tail” from each property is so that each property has a piece that abuts the main road so as not to be considered landl...
in Home Disasters  
Commented: Sherman Williams Snowbound looks pink, help!! Just throwing this out there based off personal experience. Be certain that the brand of paint and finish you asked for was used and not a color match in a different paint instead. It happened to us a...
in Paint  
Commented: are the stools too bulky? Chiming in to agree with the suggestion to remove the corbels if possible. Our builder told us we didn’t need them to support our granite because the overhang was shallow enough. It made a big differe...
in Design Dilemma