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GardenWeb Member: tolledot - October 24, 2006
Commented: Esox07 - 2017 Pepper Grow Blog Thanks for that info, it could be that my seeds are getting old - they all came from a seed exchange several years ago. It might be time to get a fresh supply in another exchange later this year!
in Hot Peppers  
Commented: My 7 Pod "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet..." Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, 1594 Substitute pepper for rose, taste for smell and hot for sweet and you get: "A pepper by any oth...
in Hot Peppers  
Commented: seed shell wont come off first leaves on scotch bonnet peppers To avoid the problem from the start, soak the seeds overnight first and then keep them moist. The seed shells will slide off by themselves or with very little help without any damage to the seedling. ...
in Hot Peppers