About me: My zone is: Z9 FL
GardenWeb Member: theoj - June 3, 2001
Commented: Help Me Try Again With Butterfly Weed I turn the hose on the aphids and rub them off with my fingers, they probably climb back up, but same again. For wasps, pinch the red flowers off the milkweed. Wasps are attracted to red. Without the ...
in Florida Gardening  
Commented: What plants attract butterflies ? If you have milkweed, you will have butterflies. I suggest a variety of plants to include some milkweed in each pot. Butterflies just love flowers so have fun. theo
in Florida Gardening  
Commented: Aaaaargh! Star Fruit! In my city we can call and they will send someone to put rat poison out. This is a free service and is successful, and oh yes, I need to do that again. theo
in Florida Gardening