Susan_Katz_msn_com's photo


Commented: Early terrible two's I don't have much advice but just wanted to say I can relate! My 22 month old has been in the terrible twos since around 15 months! LOL She is very headstrong and very naughty! She's much more of a ha...
in Parents of Toddlers  
Commented: Why does it ALWAYS happen? UGH, my 22 month old DD had a stomach virus last week (we all did) and this week she has a bad cold/croup thing with fever. DH is on the couch now feeling puny with the start of a cold. We go away on ...
in Parents  
Commented: Scannerz It's popular most places! My mom looked a ton of places where she lives and I looked all over here and couldn't find them. Tried atleast 10 internet places that didn't have any. Finally EToys/KBtoys s...
in Parents