StupidHotPeppers's photo


About me: 3rd year experimenting with growing hot peppers and new techniques.

My zone is: 4
GardenWeb Member: MorugaMan - November 13, 2013
Commented: Will a small plant produce full size fruit For the most part if you let (or force) your plant start producing when its small it will cause the plant to start throwing most of its energy into fruiting rather than growing. When your plant is alr...
in Hot Peppers  
Commented: "Chili Pepper" That is funny I have always wondered myself. My assumption is that they are maybe talking about any pepper you can find at your local store which involves peppers that contain some kind of heat. Espec...
in Hot Peppers  
Commented: Need help for my sick pepper plant It looks like something nature will overcome. Nothing to worry about.
in Hot Peppers