About me: My zone is: zone4/5
GardenWeb Member: shirleyinadirondacks - April 9, 2001
Commented: What is Everyone Reading? I've been rereading several Jayne Ann Krentz books. My sister died a couple weeks ago and to cope with that, I reread favorite books. My oldest daughter always told me I was into denial. she's right b...
in The Kitchen Table  
Commented: painting a kitchen table/chairs brown?? i agree with Red. How about painting it in a accent color? My house had to be redone because of water damage from a busted washer line. So I've gone mostly with neutral colors and I'm not a neutral p...
in Home Decorating  
Commented: AT&T commercial I agree with you on both commercials. AND what about the bud lite where the girl insults the guy so? Don't guys have feelings? Don't buy bud lite anyway BUT!!!
in The Kitchen Table