Russ / Central Fla Z9b's photo

Russ / Central Fla Z9b

Commented: My Sans hahnii Siebert Great to hear from you too, Chris. It's sad we lost the input of Mike and Dave, I have a friend that's big on carnivorous serracenia, nepenthes and others. They are fascinating plants.
in Sansevieria  
Commented: Do they need to be potted up? Well they certainly have sweet potato size rhizomes. I notice that when new plants find a drain hole and emerge from the ground next to the pot, those offsets are much bigger than those that come up i...
in Sansevieria  
Commented: Anyone growing sans in a gritty mix? I thought it was Silver Hahnii Marginated, but looking at examples of Night Owl on an Images search, many seem a bit too big to be a Hahnii-size plant. There is an old, larger size variety of Silver H...
in Sansevieria