nichols167's photo
Commented: Bakers Gold Apricot - NW Calgary If you can fit another apricot into your yard that's ideal. But if you can't, make sure you graft some other apricot varieties into the Baker's Gold. Despite a very cold winter and a poor spring with ...
in Fruit & Orchards  
Commented: Whats dead after a test winter.....2019 Konrad, -35 to -42C is wickedly cold. We didn't even get that cold in Winnipeg. Our coldest days hit -32C in January and there was a 36 hour period in January where the temp didn't rise above -30C. L...
in Far North  
Commented: Sparrows destroying fruit trees Sorry to hear about your apricots. As if our winters aren't bad enough. Try putting up an inflatable scare eye or one of those fake plastic owls.
in Far North