momma_s's photo
About me: My zone is: 9b, SZ14
GardenWeb Member: 2008-08-22
Commented: Tomatoes with septoria - better to rip out? I have the same thing from the unusual rains we've been having (East Bay). I purchased an organic copper-based spray from OSH, by "Orchard." The nursery guy gave some pretty good tips... Th...
in California Gardening  
Commented: Mystery: What's eating my baby cumcumber leaves? If it is slugs, I recommend Sluggo in pellet form. It's not harmful to pets/kids, and a little goes a long way...
in Vegetable Gardening  
Commented: How Close Can I Plant My Vegetables? I've added a link below to the recommended spacing for the square foot method. I don't see why this couldn't work in rows, allowing of course, additional space for walking between plants. Keep in mind...
in Vegetable Gardening