lysa39's photo
About me: Hello,
I am a stay at home mother of a 23, 7, and 4 year olds. I love gardening with a passion and love growing everything
I can.

My zone is: 8/9 CA
GardenWeb Member: 2001-07-16
GardenWeb Trading List: View My Trade List
Commented: HAVE: Imperial Star artichoke seeds I would love to trade, i have about 85 kinds of tomato seeds. To many to list. But these are heirloom, skorospelka, yellow jubilee, yellow pear, mountain princess, marglobe supreme, black from tula, s...
in The Seed Exchange  
Commented: WANTED: cotton seeds, hop seeds hello, I have cotton seeds but i don't need any more Hosta seeds. what else can you trade for the seeds???LMK Thanks so much Lisa
in The Seed Exchange  
Commented: HAVE: Goji berry, pasilla pepper, bitter melon, kobacha I would love goji berry and others. Check out my list and i will let you know what else i have. I will go look. Thanks Lisa
in The Seed Exchange