lakeaffect_gw's photo


lakeaffect_gw commented on a discussion: Eclipse talk and funny stuff
Commented: Eclipse talk and funny stuff We had 100% totality in NNY with thin, high clouds. The second pic is during totality, it looked like a sunset in the sky, but facing due north.
Commented: What to do with all these *$%&* peeps You’re “fundamentlly opposed to donating“ them because you don’t want to set a good example for your children? You love wasting food? Don’t want to donate nutrition free crap to families who need a li...
Commented: Still streaming and worth re-watching Well, arcy panning a show they haven’t seen is unsurprising. This was a great mini series, very well done all around and features Paul Gross, an excellent, underrated Canadian actor (and if you like l...
in The Kitchen Table