ladychroe's photo
About me: 27 year old graphic designer/caricature artist, just bought a tiny first house with husband in 2003. Totally excited about being a homeowner, I’m determined to have the most beautiful yard in the world.

My zone is: z6 NJ
GardenWeb Member: ladychroe - March 16, 2005
Commented: very fragrant tree in the weeds I don't know... maybe check in the Name That Plant! forum.
in Fragrant Plants  
Commented: Tree fruit identification So sorry, that is incorrect. Kousa fruits are edible, and though they vary, the ones I have tried were delicious! Just squeeze the pulp into your mouth and toss the skin.
in New Jersey Gardening  
Commented: Controlling Weeds in Vegetable Garden I just dump the lawn clippings on there and spread them out. Looks all right, keeps the weeds down and nourishes the soil. It does track around a little bit and once I saw a mouse tunneling around, bu...
in New Jersey Gardening