kertra's photo
About me: Hi, I’m Dawn. I live in the River Valley area of Maine with my husband. I have two grown children both girls and six grandchildren. I’m orginally from Long Island, New York and moved to this area a year ago. Gardening is a new hobby for me so I have alote to learn. My husband is in the process of building me my own greenhouse as I have over taken the house with Spider Plants, Cactus and Vines. He actually thinks there moving out - imagine that!
Countdown to Winter Solstice:

I live in: United States
My zone is: z4ME

My favorite forum 1 is Seed Exchange.
My favorite forum 2 is Winter Sowing.

First registered on May 26, 2003
Commented: NEW: Spring Seed Swap I'd like to join as well, please send addy for seeds.
in Round Robin Exchange