kelly_cassidy's photo


About me: I live on two acres surrounded by wheat fields near Pullman, WA. My husband takes care of the grass. I keep adding flower beds and shrubs. My favorite part of the yard, however, is a weedy ditch next to our lot. I'm working on replacing the non-native weeds with (mostly) native plants.

My zone is: z5 E. WA St.
GardenWeb Member: 2002-05-06
Commented: Have you gone through plant or gardening phases? Hmm. Most of the responses have been about plant species groups. I think of gardening phases more broadly: Phase 1 (for the first 15 years or so of sporadic gardening): Scorned planting anything orna...
in Perennials  
Commented: Chihuahua friendly Townhouse Patio..? Um, I had a house dog once, a husky/shepherd cross. In his later years, I had to put him in a kennel for the first (and last) time while I went on a week-long camping trip. (He was too old to walk ver...
in Landscape Design  
Commented: Anyone grow Queen of the Prairie? I live in eastern WA. Filipendula will fry. It isn't just the watering, it's the humidity in the teens and the 40 degree day/night temperature differences in July, August, and September that will do i...
in Perennials