jules7ky's photo
About me: My zone is: z6KY
GardenWeb Member: 2003-03-11
Commented: okra not blooming This is my 2nd year for okra - and, huh! I thought my Clemson Spineless wasn't blooming because of early-season bunny damage... It went absolutely nuts very quickly last year, plenty of blooms and pod...
in Vegetable Gardening  
Commented: squash setting only male blossoms I've noticed the same thing with my bush zucchinis, but they're finally starting to set fruit again. I'm also seeing some powdery mildew - have heard that spraying some folar fertilizer on the leaves ...
in Vegetable Gardening  
Commented: It's a HORRIBLE year, and I just need to vent. Rain? Rain? Who wants some rain? Come to Louisville... We got six-point-five inches in ONE HOUR yesterday morning. Oh yes indeedy, my 'maters are watered. Along with a whole lot of basements, and car...
in Vegetable Gardening