JuJu60's photo
About me: I lost my husband almost 1 year ago and would like to network and discuss this with others who have walked in my shoed. My grieving is ongoing

My zone is: IL
GardenWeb Member: 2004-01-13
Commented: Do animals goto heaven Yes I do believe they go to heaven. I have alot of cats and dogs that are waiting for me as my husband is with them and also my mom. I still have 3 cats and 3 dogs and I have to go thru this 6 times. ...
in Grieving  
Commented: Winessing Death I was there when mom passed. Missed my husband that was hard. But i was there with my mom. i held her hand. Cried so hard. May 14 was one year. Jan. 30 of this year was one and half year for my husban...
in Grieving