jenn_nj's photo
GardenWeb Member: 2008-04-17
Commented: Wren nestboxes Geez people, listen to what you are saying. My in-laws have acres of wooded property and they have hundreds of nesting birds of all species, including house wrens. Have the wrens ousted other birds? I...
in Bird Watching  
Commented: Starling Invasion! take down the feeders. I've noticed I only get lost of starlings during breeding time. Woodpeckers don't need supplemental feeding at this time of year.
in Bird Watching  
Commented: '..additional pressure on birds...' mulchmamma, do you think that it takes no resources to "destroy" feral cats? Of course it does! They have to be trapped, euthanized and their dead bodies disposed of. And, as far as this in...
in Bird Watching