gyozu's photo
About me: Edible landscaping in the Winston-Salem area.

My zone is: 7 Winston-Salem, NC
GardenWeb Member: 2007-04-10
Commented: Mason Bees in Louisiana You could buy a few cocoons and also make a bunch of nesting blocks to try and attract any locals. Locate your blocks along with the hatching cocoons I started off with 2 24 hole blocks and am now up ...
in Bees & Beekeeping  
Commented: Very Large Bees Humming \bird moth.
in Bees & Beekeeping  
Commented: Newb help needed for 5-1-1 and 1-1-1 Gritty I have seen where the Pine Bark Fines is referred to as 'soil conditioner' as well as the Turface being referred to as 'soil conditioner'. What exactly is Turface, They are both "soil conditioner...
in Container Gardening