greginnd's photo
About me: I live in Fargo, ND and love to garden, cook, and make wine.

My zone is: Z4 ND
GardenWeb Member: 2001-07-18
Commented: Organic food is better? "science has been elevated to the worship level of god's, when it is only every theory and never proven hard copy fact." Can you tell me what is a "hard copy fact"?
in Organic Gardening  
Commented: Best Zucchini Varieties-Atlanta/North Georgia My favorite for flavor is costata romanesco.
in Vegetable Gardening  
Commented: My township has fined me $5000 for my garden... Sorry, Pitcom. I don't follow you. Previously you claimed the city came in and ruined your property with their sewer work. I think that's what Mrdoitall was talking about. "I think about 6 years...
in Vegetable Gardening