flgirl's photo
About me: My zone is: 9
GardenWeb Member: 2004-10-16
Commented: Have you saved baby teeth? I really enjoyed reading these thoughts on the tooth fairy and saved teeth. :) We're raising a grandson, who's 10 now, and yep, I have his baby teeth saved in a little wooden "first tooth" b...
in Organizing the Home  
Commented: Gardener's Diary I also miss this show tremendously. I watched faithfully every morning at 7am while getting my grandson off to school. Has anybody heard anything lately? I also like Journal, and hope it comes back on...
in Southern Gardening  
Commented: What plants have you found to be invasive? 2 Virginia Creeper Cats Claw (ARGGGGGHHH!!!) Clerodendrum bungei aka Rose Glorybower This stuff is taking over! Wisteria, although I love it and have it a great distance from any beds.
in Tips & Techniques