ejmoore510's photo
About me: I live in Northeast MS. My hobbies are gardening, reading, drawing, and jogging. I’m a sports fanatic! I love football, baseball, basketball, tennis, Nascar, you name it! Also, I love animals. I have 3 rescue dogs and a feral cat that live outside and a little half chihuahua/half weenie dog named Pepper that lives inside with me. My personal favorite color is blue, but I love reds, oranges, and yellows in my garden. I also LOVE FROGS!! Fairies, gnomes, and any animals are welcome also. My favorite scent is coconut. Always reminds me of the beach, which is the theme of one of my bathrooms. I also collect windchimes.

My zone is: 7
GardenWeb Member: 2008-07-16
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Commented: Quote, 04/16/12 Love these quotes!
in The Garden Party  
Commented: Quote 3 - 15 - 12 Very good.
in The Garden Party  
Commented: Meet my 'new to me' house Just beautiful! Congratulations! Wishing you many happy years in your new home.
in The Kitchen Table