claydirt's photo
About me: I live in central Indiana zone 5. We lost a tree that shaded the patio in 2007, so I started planting in 2008 and never stopped.
2011 was my "year of annuals". This is likely to continue in 2012, along with the small vegetable garden. By the way, how do you grow BIG onions?
In 2011, I put in my first raised bed. It is just 6'x6' but was great fun to watch through the growing season. It contains some bulbs and herbaceous perennials... if the annuals didn't shade them too much. Can't wait to see what it looks like in 2012. In 2010 I tried starting Lupinus, Baptisia and Clematis from seeds.
I have a fantastic Blue Angel Hosta. In 2011 it had 39 eyes & a 6 feet wing span!

My zone is: 5
GardenWeb Member: claydirt - May 4, 2010
Commented: Starting onions indoors from seeds, in pots? When I started growing onions, I got seedlings from a local greenhouse in a little black tub, probably smaller than 3" x 5". There were 50 or 70 onions in it. So when I started growing from ...
in Alliums  
Commented: when to wintersow vegetables Bottom line is there are warm season crops and cool season crops. Many or most "cool season crops" can handle some frost. "Warm season crops" cannot. You can do a web search on the...
in Winter Sowing  
Commented: help with growing lettuce, broccoli etc starter plants! Lettuce: Sometimes I had trouble with lettuce (direct sowing) until I learned that they need light to germinate. Last year (2014) I started them in a cell tray (small 1" x 1" cells) just put...
in Growing from Seed